4th Grade GEM
2024-25 Twin Peaks 4th Grade GEM Classroom Supply Lists
Personal Supplies:
- 1- 3-ring binder with clear cover (1 ½”)
- 1- durable 3-hole punched folder with pockets (solid color)
- 2- composition notebooks
- 1- pencil box
- 1- package of colored pencils
- 1- package of washable markers (thin tip)
- 1- package of highlighters (multi-colored)
- 1- package of crayons
- 1- pair of scissors
- 1- package of colored pens for grading
- 1- pair of earbuds or headphones (with cord)
- 1- wireless mouse (optional)
Classroom Supplies: (please do not put names on these items)
- 1- package of #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1- package of white erasers (Pentel brand)
- 1- package fine point Sharpies
- 1- package of notebook paper (wide rule)
- 2- containers of Clorox wipes
- 2- boxes of Ziploc baggies (snack, quart, or gallon)
Additional Items to Donate:
- 9” X 12” construction paper or poster board
- Mini hot glue sticks
- Crayola Air Dry Clay (white)
- Hand sanitizer
- White cardstock
- Kleenex