PTO News
Twin Peaks PTF is proud to present our 1st Annual TWIN PEAKS COLOR FUN'D' RUN! Join us on Friday, November 15 at 5-7pm. Get ready to dash through whirlwinds of color and dance the evening away with friends and family. You won’t want to miss this one! Register this weekend to earn a Fun Run Bracelet! Our school goal is to raise $30,000, and 100% of the proceeds raised go directly to support our school! You can spread the word and help our school by sharing the Fun(d) Run page on Social Media and through email.
After you wave good-bye to your Kindergarten student, please join us in the cafeteria for our annual Boo-hoo or Woo-hoo Breakfast at 8:15am on the first day of school on Monday, August 5.After you wave good-bye to your Kindergarten student, please join us in the cafeteria for our annual Boo-hoo or Woo-hoo Breakfast at 8:15am on the first day of school on Monday, August 5.
All Twin Peaks middle school students in grades 6-8 are invited to the last middle school event of the year at Funtastics on May 13 at 5:00-8:00pm.
Join Twin Peaks PTF for the final meeting of the year on Tuesday, April 30 at 6pm. We will meet in the library to set our calendar for next year.
Boys are invited to attend the Boys Bash Glow Crazy Dance at the Stardance Event Center (8110 N Scenic Dr, Tucson, AZ 85743) on April 24 at 5-8pm.
Purchase your Harkins Summer Movie Fun passes from our school for just $8. That's 8 movies for $8, AND 25% of sales come back to our school! Complete the form that came home with your child and return to the front office with payment. Make checks payable to Twin Peaks K-8 School.
Parents are invited to attend our PTF Meeting in the Twin Peaks Library on Thursday, April 11 at 6:30pm. At this meeting, we will select our officers and event chairs for next school year. All positions are open, and we welcome your involvement. Save the Date for the Boy's Bash Glow Dance on April 24 at 5-8pm.
Join Twin Peaks for our PTF Meeting on Thursday, March 28 at 6:30pm in the library.