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Sick Teen (Middle School

When you call or visit Twin Peaks K-8 School, you will often be greeted by our attendance clerk/registrar.  She will be happy to assist you or direct you to the appropriate person.  Listed below are procedures for making a dismissal change for your child, reporting your child’s absence, and notifying the school of a change of address. 

Dismissal Changes

Please notify your child’s teacher in writing of a planned change to your child’s normal dismissal routine.  Also, discuss this change with your child before school.  If you have an unanticipated emergency change, please call our office prior to 12:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday and prior to 11:30 a.m. on Friday. Calling early gives our attendance clerk time to notify your child’s teacher before the bell rings.

Reporting an Absence

You may call Twin Peaks K-8 School's 24-hour attendance hotline at (520) 579-4756 to report your child's absence. This line is available for your convenience 24 hours a day. When reporting an absence, you will need the following information:

  • Child's Name
  • Grade Level
  • Date of the absence (or late arrival)
  • Reason for the absence (or late arrival)
  • Name of the person who is calling to report the absence (or late arrival).
  • Caller's relationship to the child (mother, father, guardian, etc.)

Change of Address

Please contact the attendance clerk to report a change of address or phone number. You will need the following information:

  • Child's name
  • Your name and relationship to student
  • Any brothers or sisters names
  • Child's Grade Level
  • Old Address (or phone number)
  • New Address (or phone number)
  • You may be asked for verification of the new address with proof of residency (examples: lease, mortgage, any utility bill that proves residency at the new address). 

Regular Attendance Improves Performance

Attending school regularly provides children with continuity in the learning program and enhances their probability of success in school. In addition, children should arrive to school on time and remain all day.  Please avoid absences for reasons other than illness or emergencies. Whenever possible, schedule appointments for the doctor and dentist before or after school. Save family vacations for times when school is not in session. School attendance is directly tied to academic performance.  

Twin Peaks Attendance Guidelines

  • Children must attend 90% of the days that school is in session (162 days).
  • Children may not be absent for more than 10% of the total days (18 days), regardless of whether these absences are considered excused or unexcused.
  • Attendance will be tracked by quarters. Students should not miss more than four to five days each quarter.
  • Students who are absent five or more consecutive days with an extended illness must bring a note from a doctor upon returning to school.

Attendance Hotline

Call the Twin Peaks K-8 School 24-hour attendance hotline at (520) 579-4756  to report your child's absence. 

Transcript Request

Please contact the attendance clerk/registrar at (520) 579-4750  to request a transcript or email:



Stephanie Bensel

Secretary III

PHONE: (520) 579-4750