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English Learner

Book with pages bent over in the shape of a heart

The English Learner Program, implemented by the office of State & Federal Programs, is committed to provide our English learners (ELs) with a high quality education for success that includes high expectations for EL student achievement and social-emotional development.  The district implements two of the research-based Structured English Immersion (SEI) models that have been approved by the Arizona Department of Education.  The two models are the Pull-Out SEI Model and the Two-Hour SEI Model (see specifics below).  MUSD also provides instruction by highly qualified teachers using appropriate instructional materials and teaching strategies.  Teachers design English Language Development (ELD) lessons that develop the students’ English proficiency/skills needed to access grade level content by integrating Arizona’s English language proficiency standards with content standards. 

Qualifications for the EL Program

During the registration process, parents/guardians complete a Home Language Survey that asks three language questions.  If a response to any of the three questions indicates a language other than English, the office of State & Federal Programs will check to see if the student has a current AZELLA (Arizona English Language Learner Assessment).  If the student does not have a current AZELLA, we will assess the student with AZELLA as required by law.  For both situations, if the student’s overall score is less than proficient, the student qualifies to participate in one of our EL programs and will be placed in an English learner program that implements one of the state’s approved SEI models.  A Parental Notification and Consent Form will be sent home along with the district’s English learner program description.  

SEI Models for MUSD

MUSD implements the Pull-Out SEI Model and the Two-Hour SEI Model.  Both models require that EL students receive integrated and targeted instruction.  The instruction and materials must be English only (except for clarification purposes or emergency situations). 

Integrated instruction is implemented in content-area courses (English Language Arts and/or Science and/or Social Studies and/or Math) and the class/classes consist of EL and non-EL students.  The content-area teachers design instruction that integrates language and literacy development with content learning to help students develop disciplinary content knowledge, language, and autonomy.  

Targeted instruction is taught by EL teachers and the class/classes consist of EL students only.  The teachers use the English Language Proficiency Standards with content material to teach language (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).  

  • Pull-Out SEI Model is implemented as follows and is subject to change depending on student needs:
    • All elementary schools (all proficiency levels); K-8 schools (all proficiency levels); and at the middle/high schools but just for Intermediate students
    • EL students receive the integrated instruction during their English Language Arts class with a teacher who has the SEI, ESL, or Bilingual endorsement for 300 weekly minutes for grades K-5 and 250 weekly minutes for grades 6-12.  The English Language Proficiency Standards are integrated into the content area.
    • EL students receive targeted instruction with an EL teacher who has the SEI, ESL, or Bilingual endorsement as a pull-out or one class period for 300 weekly minutes for grades K-5 and 250 weekly minutes for grades 6-12.  The English Language Proficiency Standards are integrated with any content area. 
  • Two-Hour SEI Model is implemented as follows and is subject to change depending on student needs:
    • Middle/high schools for Pre-Emergent/Emergent and Basic proficiency students
    • EL students receive the integrated instruction during their English Language Arts class.  The English Language Proficiency Standards are integrated into the content area.
    • EL students receive targeted instruction with an EL teacher who has the SEI, ESL, or Bilingual endorsement for two class periods for 500 weekly minutes. The English Language Proficiency Standards (listening, reading, writing, speaking) are integrated with any content area. 

Monitored Students

Once the student tests as overall Proficient on AZELLA, he/she is reclassified as Fluent English Proficient (FEP) and is removed from the EL program. This means that the student has attained the English language proficiency level necessary to be exited from the EL program.  The student will be monitored for two years following his/her exit from an EL program to ensure continued academic success.  If a teacher feels that the student is not keeping up academically and documents that the challenges are due to a language other than English, he/she can fill out a form to have the student take the AZELLA again to see if the student has requalified to be placed back in an EL program. 

For additional information, please contact MUSD’s EL Program Facilitator at (520) 682-1065.

More Info

Please contact:

English Language Program Facilitator

Denise Dix

State and Federal

(520) 682-1065