School Awards
Our Most Recent Awards
Twin Peaks K-8 School Earns High Reliability School (HRS) Level 2 certification, Ensuring Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
Congratulations to these ten schools for their hard work instilling and sustaining Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to improve academic and behavioral outcomes for students!
Marana USD has several winners in the Best of the Northwest contest! Voted #1 Best Place to Work for a third year in a row, we have many schools, teachers, and leaders to celebrate!
Two teachers from Marana Unified School District received $252,000 in Federal funding to launch a statewide professional development program for teachers to help positively influence the social and emotional well-being of K-3rd grade students and improve their academic performance.
Seven MUSD Schools were recognized by PBIS AZ for their hard work implementing PBIS practices in their schools, with Rattlesnake Ridge Elementary and MCAT High School also receiving the Model School Award!
Level 1 certification as a High Reliability School means that we have created a “Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture,” which is the foundation for every level that follows.
An Award Winning School!
The following is a list of awards earned by our school, staff, and school academic and athletic programs:
- Martha Bishop receives federal grant for Ninja Life Hacks course
- HRS Level I Certification
- GEM Students Place in Kidstruction Competition
- Level 4 PBISAZ Award
- Best of the Northwest: Best School, Principal, and Teacher
- Fiesta Bowl Wishes for Teachers Grant Recipients
- HRS Level I Certification
- Level 4 PBISAZ Award
- Best of the Northwest: Best School, Principal, and Teacher
- PBISAZ Silver Award
- Best of the Northwest: Best School
- Martha Bishop Arizona Science Teachers Association Elementary Teacher of the Year
- Heidi Kornacki United Way Literacy Champion
- Kendra Lewis National Board Teacher Certification
- PBIS AmAZing Award
- Heidi Kornacki Recognized: 100 Outstanding Tucson Teachers at Camp Cooper
- PBISAZ Silver Award
- Best of the Northwest: Best School
- Martha Bishop Arizona Science Teachers Association Elementary Teacher of the Year Honorable Mention