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Twin Peaks K8 Increases to an A-Raating
Two buddies reading together
Twin Peaks K-8 Receives an "A" Letter Grade

The Arizona Department of Education has released A-F School Letter Grades scores based on data from the 2023-24 school year and Twin Peaks K-8 School received an A Letter Grade. 

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KC Mascot in front of school windows
Over 16,000+ Pawsitive Paws!

As an Arizona PBIS awarded school, we are Pawsitively Proud of our Tigers and Tiger Cubs for being Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn. Students earned over 16,000 Positive Paws for their outstanding behavior.

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Multi-age students in classroom Tiger Den
Twin Peaks Tiger Den

To build community across our school, we have grouped our students into dens, and each class in our school is a mixture of the four dens.

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Peaceful Playgrounds

Implemented to reduce conflict and increase playground fun, children have fewer disagreements when they understand common rules for games such as football, soccer, horse, 4-square, tetherball, bowling dodgeball, and alphabet track.

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Twin Peaks PTO %22Friends%22 Will Be There for You!
We Love Our Parents!

The Twin Peaks K-8 PTF is dedicated to promoting the social, emotional, and educational enrichment of children at home, in school, and within the community. We are joint partners, as parents/guardians and staff, in educational excellence.


Flag Football Team
A Variety of Athletic Options

By teaching our students values such as commitment, discipline, leadership, and teamwork; interscholastic sports play an integral part of our student's overall educational experience. These values form a foundation for academic success. 

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Kindergarten students writing on white board
Free Full-day Kindergarten

Now enrolling for free full-day kindergarten offering a strong focus on cognitive, social, and emotional learning development.

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News & Events

Tiger News

Middle School Counselors

Do you know what counselors do? Spoiler alert: It’s a lot! School counselors are certified, experienced educators with a master’s degree in school counseling.  This week, we’re celebrating their dedication to all students. Thank you Marana Middle School and Tortolita Middle School Twin Peaks K-8 and Dove Mountain K-8 counselors! 

Read More about MUSD Middle & K-8 Schools Celebrate National School Counselors Week: Feb. 3-7

Upcoming Events


At Twin Peaks K-8, we fill buckets, instill pride, and love learning. We are Pawsitively Proud of our Tigers and Tiger Cubs for taking education by the tail! Educators are committed to ensuring all students have the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in college, career, and life. Our school offers the highest quality, inspiring and enriching 

Preschoolers talking on play phone

Our Self-Contained Gifted and Talented program provides innovative, differentiated educational experiences with an emphasis on higher-level thinking, problem-solving, critical thinking, decision making, and creativity. Our focus is to provide for the development of individual potential while meeting  the social and emotional needs of gifted identified intermediate level and middle school learners.

Find Out More about Gifted and Talented Program

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